Become A Catalyst Coach & Build A Purpose-Driven Coaching Business

Leverage Cutting-Edge Performance Neuroscience To Master Flow States And Become a 0.01% Coach, Then Drag & Drop Our 8-figure Business Blueprint To Build A Profitable Coaching Business

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Hear About Catalyst From Our CEO, Rian Doris:

Are you a successful professional or aspiring coach who desperately wants to align your work with a deeper sense of purpose?

You feel called to serve others…

You’re passionate about human optimization…

And you dream of turning that passion into a sustainable, profitable coaching business that gives you the impact, freedom, and income you desire.

The Catalyst Coaching Program Is

The World’s Leading Training For Successful Professionals, Executives, & Entrepreneurs Who Want To:

  • ​Gain instant credibility and trust with potential clients
  • Position yourself as a true expert in your field
  • ​Stand out in the sea of coaches & service providers in 2024
  • ​Attract high-caliber clients 
  • ​Command premium fees
  • ​Build a thriving coaching practice that reflects your commitment to mastery and excellence

If you’ve been seeking a solution that allows you to ditch the time for money trap and live your purpose by becoming a premium coach — well, you’re not alone…

With publications like Forbes and Entrepreneur predicting the coaching industry to balloon up to $404 BILLION by 2025…

Everybody’s rushing to become a coach these days!

But here’s the thing – Most coaches & service providers are completely undifferentiated.

They have no body of work or scientific validity.

And they have no unique coaching methodology that brings them acclaim and esteem and allows them to repeatedly deliver powerful transformations to their clientele.

Not to mention they don’t have a clearly defined niche…

They charge for their time rather than value-provided…

And they don’t know how to market, sell or scale a business optimally.

Which is why we built Catalyst…

To Help Purpose-Driven Professionals Gain Elite Mastery In The Craft Of Coaching And Eradicate All The Complexity When Building A Sustainable Coaching Business

What Results Are Possible With Catalyst?

Catalyst is the world’s best one stop shop solution for those who want to master coaching and build a business they’re passionate about

    There are two components of Catalyst:

      The Craft Side Of Coaching

      We’ll help you master Performance Neuroscience

      & Applied Coaching Psychology To Become a

      0.001% Coach So You Can Deliver Incredible Value

      To Your Clients And Command Premium Fees.

      The Business Side Of Coaching

      We’ll build out the foundations of your coaching

       practice pinning down your pricing, positioning,

      lead generation system, sales process, offer and

      everything else you need to succeed. 

      In other words, we’ll work 1on1 with you to design the car — the basis of your coaching practice.

      We’ll build it for you.

      Then all you have to do is take the wheel and drive it (work your magic as a coach and scale!).

      How Does Catalyst Work?

      We’ll Build Your Signature Science-based Coaching Methodology For You

      Our world-class team of coaches and neuroscientists will work with you one-on-one to distill your passion, purpose, and expertise into a powerful, science-based coaching framework.

      This signature methodology will become the foundation of your entire coaching practice, setting you apart from the competition and allowing you to deliver incredible value to your clients.

      If Steve Jobs was known for his trademark elegance and innovation at Apple, this will be your equivalent the thing you’re known for that makes you stand out in the marketplace.

      We’ll Build The Foundations Of Your Coaching Business For You

      We’ll help you package your skills & expertise into a productized service…
      Determine your optimal pricing strategy…

      Dial in your positioning and messaging…

      And we'll install our battle tested, lead generation and sales systems directly into your business, so you can consistently fill your coaching practice with high-paying clients who value your expertise.

      Again — think of it like this, we’ll work 1on1 with you to build the car, the basis of your coaching practice:
      We’ll build it for you…

      Then all you have to do is take the wheel and drive it.

      Gain Elite, 0.001% Skill In The Craft Of Coaching And Deep Expertise in Performance Neuroscience

      Our world-class coaches who have trained elite performers in organizations like Google, Accenture, and The US Navy SEALs will give you the equivalent of a master's degree in performance neuroscience and applied coaching psychology.

      By the end of the training, you'll be among the top 0.001% of coaches worldwide…

      With the expertise and confidence to command premium fees and attract high-caliber clients into your ecosystem.

      Master All The Critical Business Skills Required To Scale To 6 And Even 7 Figures

      We’re not just going to give you a fish – we're also going to teach you how to fish.
      After building the entire foundation of your unique coaching methodology and business…
      We’ll help you master the fundamental skills you need to build a sustainable practice, including:

      • How to price your services
      • ​​How to generate leads
      • ​How to sell
      • ​How to create irresistible offers
      • ​How to create powerful messaging and positioning
      • ​How to attract your ideal customer

      And we'll even show you how to escape the time-for-money trap that holds so many coaches back, by using a coaching business model that scales beyond you and has the potential to become a 7 or even 8 figure business. 

      Become A Performance Neuroscience Certified Coach By The Flow Research Collective And The International Coaching Federation

      Upon completing Catalyst, you'll earn the distinction of being a Flow Research Collective Performance Neuroscience Certified Coach.

      In addition, our program is accredited by the International Coach Federation (ICF), the gold standard in the coaching industry.

      With these certifications, you'll be able to:

      • ​Gain instant credibility and trust with potential clients
      • Position yourself as a true expert in your field
      • ​Stand out in the sea of coaches & service providers in 2024
      • ​Attract high-caliber clients 
      • ​Command premium fees
      • ​Build a thriving coaching practice that reflects your commitment to mastery and excellence

      Who Is Catalyst For?

      Mission Driven Professionals, Executives, and Entrepreneurs who have a burning desire to align their work with a deeper sense of purpose, are passionate about serving others, and want to transform that passion into a sustainable, profitable coaching business. 

      Catalyst Has Five Main Elements

      Element 1 - Done For You Signature, Science Backed Coaching Methodology

      Our world-class team of coaches and neuroscientists will work with you one-on-one to distill your passion, purpose, and expertise into a powerful, science-based coaching framework.

      Element 2 – Done For Your Coaching Business In A Box

      Our team of experienced business strategists will build out the foundations of your coaching practice pinning down your pricing, positioning, lead generation system, sales process, offer and everything else you need to succeed.

      Element 3 - Daily Content & Exercises

      Our twelve weeks, you'll master the world's most cutting edge, science-based strategies for coaching clients to reach flow and peak performance. It's digitally delivered in simple daily chunks so you can learn easily, anywhere.

      Element 4 - World Class, Expert Level Coaching

      You'll have access to a PhD level psychologist or neuroscientist coach over twelve weeks. This serves two functions. First, it'll help level your own game. Second, they will coach you on how to coach others and integrate what you're learning with that you already know.

      Element 5- Lifetime Group Coaching & Community

      Every week, our Peak Performance Instructors facilitate live group coaching sessions. Imagine being plugged into a community of world class coaches and consultants. You'll have lifetime access and all time zones are accommodated.

      What Results Are Possible With Catalyst?

      • Develop MSc level expertise in peak performance and flow to speak with authority, credibility, and confidence on the topic
      • ​Master the skill of performance neuroscience coaching and begin delivering incredible value to your clients right away
      • ​Harness the neurobiology of flow states to 10x your personal performance and coach your clients to do the same
      • ​Master the essential business skills required to launch, grow, and scale a coaching business to six, seven, or even eight figures
      • ​Package your passion, skills & expertise into a productized service with a proven delivery framework that instantly transfers incredible value to your clients 
      • ​Turn your passion into a profitable career so you spend all day, every day using your knowledge, experience, and skills to help others live and perform optimally

      What is Catalyst Based On?

      Catalyst is based on world renowned high performance expert, 4x New York Times bestselling author, and FRC co-founder, Steven Kotler’s research on peak performance and flow:

      It’s my attempt at condensing everything I’ve learned over my thirty years researching flow. You’ll master the neuroscience-backed approach I’ve used to educate over a hundred thousand people on flow and train organizations like Google, Accenture, and Morgan Stanley.

      Here’s What Some Of Our Clients Have Said About Their Catalyst Experience

      Flow Research Collective is rated Excellence

      Rick Petry

      Christine Davidson

      Jason Bissell


      Frequently Asked Questions

      What is the Flow Research Collective?

      The Flow Research Collective is a peak performance research and training institute. On the research side, we’re partnered with universities like Stanford, UCLA, USC and institutions like Deloitte, attempting to understand what happens in the brain and body when human beings are performing at their best. On the training side, we build training programs that help business leaders improve their professional performance by accessing flow states more consistently.

      Is Catalyst An Online Training?

      Catalyst is fully digitally delivered. That means you can do it from anywhere. However, it’s nothing like your usual “online course”. Most online courses have a 3% completion rate. Catalyst has a 100% completion rate. This is because it involves live engagement with incredible experts and leaders from all across the world. It’s not just a big, empty video library.

      Why Do I Have To Apply To Become A Performance Neuroscience Certified Coach?

      One of the important features of the Performance Neuroscience Coaching Certification is the group coaching and community. What makes this so great, is that everyone in the program is an inspiring, mission driven coach, consultant or facilitator. The application process allows us to curate this kind of community and ensure it’s a good fit for both sides.

      When Does Catalyst Start?

      You can join as soon as you’re accepted into Catalyst after your strategy session. However, we do reach coaching capacity, so if you’re interested, we recommend you apply right away.

      Who Are The Main Instructors Of Catalyst?

      The content will be taught by 4X New York Times bestselling author and world renowned peak-performance expert Steven Kotler and Rian Doris, Kotler’s Co-Founder here at the Flow Research Collective. You’ll love their complimentary styles! We also have other world-leading experts, business strategists, and master coaches teach certain modules.

      © 2024 Flow Research Collective